Russell M. Spencer-Waterbury, CT
"Destiny of Miro" is truly a masterpiece of fiction written by first time author Julie Rae Rickard. Not one of us
goes through life without wondering who we are and for what purpose do we exist. Is there an afterlife? Have we lived
in another place and time, our soul returned to Earth in its present corporeal body to atone for past transgressions
or even sins of family members? Are there spirit guides in nature suggesting the path to self discovery and the truth
of existence? Is our mind a battleground of conflict between reason and emotion? Do we recognize an "inner voice"
that points the way if we would only take the time to listen? This book asks the very same questions without telling
us what we should or should not do to find happiness, peace, contentment and fulfillment. It is a non
denominational, mystical journey into the puzzle of life as seen through the eyes of an eight old boy who survives
the horrific murder of his entire family at the hands of a crazed father believing this vile act ordained by an angry
God to atone for sins committed by his maternal grandparents. It was Miro's destiny to die. How dare he refuse to
take the poison as commanded by his father. But refuse he did, exchanging death for a lifetime of torment and
recrimination. We accompany him on his journey to manhood experiencing the devastating pain caused by fear and
guilt. We are confronted by the possibility of reincarnation, why people seem to know us even though we have only
met them in our dreams. We learn that destiny is not set in stone, that the freedomto choose is still ours to make.
God is always with us paving the road to salvation, but we must seek His counsel. We can experience God in our
personal lives if we are aware of and receptive to his messengers.
This book is a real page turner because in a sense we are all like Miro, searching for truth and the ultimate
good. You cannot finish "Destiny of Miro" without questioning your own life and profiting from the story's
enlightened, indeed provocative examination of spirituality and our relationship to God in a confusing, materialistic
Patricia Murphy-Curwensville PA
The Destiny of Miro is well written and thought provoking. Universal truths laid out in an exciting story of a
young boy/man's search for his destiny interwoven with a love spanning lifetimes keeps you turning the page to see
what happens next. I can't recommend this book enough. It's one that you will keep to read over and over again.
Gennie Carruthers-Rosemount, Minnesota
I enjoyed this book very much. It is a book you can read over and over and get different things from each time.
The book starts out with a young boy who is looking for his Destiny. His spritual journey is a great story and it
faces the same struggles we all face in finding our true self. I would highly recommend this book to anyone who is
on a spritual path.
Diane Heichel-Clearfield PA
Julie makes you see and be Miro. If you ever wondered about you own destiny, and felt you couldn't change
the way yours was going, then you must read The Destiny of Miro. Miro is put in a situation at a young age, and
must learn to deal with what his father has done and said to him. Must he live with the destiny that has been
passed on to him or can he change it?! Can people we meet along the way help us change our destiny?! Is there a
higher being out there to protect us along the way?! See what Miro discovers along the way.
Teresa Stodart
A unique setting and unique story line. Everyone searches for their destiny at some point in their lives. Miro's
search begins at a young age under incredible circumstances. A story of courage of the human spirit and the
connection of nature and love in all our lives. Julie Rickard has a bright future as an up and coming new author!
Pam Henry-Big Run, PA
The Destiny of Miro is a wonderful tale of a young boy's quest through life to find his own truth and destiny.
This story is written in a way that made me think of such classic quest stories as The Odyssey and The Illiad.
Miro's painful journey is one that reflects what "everyman" must go through -- finding his/her own truth, destiny, and
purpose in life. His struggles touch the heart. Julie Rickard lends a new, contemporary tone to the classic quest for
identity, and I would highly recommend this novel.
Sherry Taylor
The Destiny of Miro is a book that is enjoyable to read. The main character Miro, is captivating. I wanted to
continue reading this book right up until the end to discover his fate. Julie Rae Rickard's writing technique is
excellent and easy to read. I look forward to her next work.